Kiso Sansen National Government Park - Kiso Sansen Park Center

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Kiso Sansen National Government Park - Kiso Sansen Park Center

A park popular for its seasonal flower scenery and winter illumination, marked by an observation tower.

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Kiso Sansen National Government Park is the largest national park in Japan, spanning Aichi, Gifu and Mie prefectures. 13 parks make up the park, and the Kiso Sansen Park Center is one of the main parks.

The 65-meter high observation tower, a popular symbol of the park, offers a panoramic view of the majestic flow of the Kiso Sansen ( General terms of Kiso, Nagara, and Ibi Rivers) and the unique Suigo landscape of the Waju area.

The "Water and Greenery Pavilion" attached to the observation tower introduces the history, climate, and nature of the Kiso Sansen basin in an easy-to-understand manner through various exhibits and videos.

In addition, the park has a large flower bed decorated with seasonal flowers such as tulips in the spring and cosmos in the fall, a large playground for children, a vast grassy plaza where they can relax freely, and the "Farmhouse of Waju," a reproduction of an old farmhouse in the area.

There are a variety of events held each season, including the Tulip Festival, and the winter illumination is especially popular. The theme changes every year to create a fantasy world of light with a sense of scale.


  • The 65-meter-high observation tower offers a panoramic view of the Kiso Sansen.
  • The large flower bed with seasonal flowers is a sight to behold.
  • Large playground facilities, "Water and Greenery Pavilion," and other facilities for play and learning are available.
  • There are also a variety of seasonal events.
  • Also known as a popular illumination spot.


  • The 65-meter-high observation tower is the symbol.

    The 65-meter-high observation tower is the symbol.

  • The design of the tulips in the large flower bed is based on the image of a flowing river.

    The design of the tulips in the large flower bed is based on the image of a flowing river.

  • In autumn, cosmos of various colors and shapes decorate the large flower beds.

    In autumn, cosmos of various colors and shapes decorate the large flower beds.

  • Large playground facilities for kids aged 6 to 12 years old.

    Large playground facilities for kids aged 6 to 12 years old.

  • There are many romantic photo spots in the park when the illumination is on.

    There are many romantic photo spots in the park when the illumination is on.



Name in Japanese
国営木曽三川公園 木曽三川公園センター
Postal Code
255-3 Kaizuchoaburajima, Kaizu City, Gifu, 503-0625 Japan
The second Monday of the month (If Monday is a national holiday, the following weekday will be observed / Open every day in April, August and December.)
Business Hours
9:30am-5:00pm (July & August 9:30am-6:00pm, December-February 9:30am-4:30pm) * Subject to change depending on the event.
Free (Adults 630 yen, elementary and junior high school students 300 yen for Hall of Water and Horticulture・ Observation Tower)
From Yoro Railway Ishizu Station, take the Kaizu City Community Bus (Minami-kansen) for about 17 minutes, and get off at Kiso Sansen Park.
Credit Cards
Accepted (VISA, MasterCard)
Official Website
Official Website (English)