滋賀縣擁有日本最大的湖泊「琵琶湖」,面積佔縣內土地的六分之一。 雖然琵琶湖及其周邊的旅遊景點非常有名,但琵琶湖並不是滋賀縣觀光唯一的精彩景點。 滋賀縣內分佈著世界遺產「比叡山延歷寺」等歷史悠久的神社和寺廟,還有日本三大和牛之一的「近江牛」等當地特色美食,以及眾多魅力滿點的的旅遊景點。 本篇除了介紹琵琶湖及其周邊的景點以外,還一併介紹縣內其他地區的觀光景點、美食和住宿等造訪滋賀時有用的旅遊資訊。
William Merrell Vories 建築事務所自1908年左右以來,以滋賀縣近江八幡市為中心活躍於日本各地。豐鄉小學校舊校舍群就是出自 Vories 建築事務所的作品。在 Vories 的 1000 多件作品中,公立小學的建築非常罕見。這座建築群配備了當時最先進的設備,比如鋼筋混凝土構造、長而寬的走廊和獨立的圖書館等。豐鄉小學校舊校舍群特別導覽行程的內容,就是在豐鄉町當地導遊的帶領下,去參觀這所被稱為「東洋第一小學校」的舊校舍。
Experiencing how Japanese classrooms were set up and the facilities they had. Enjoyed seeing the anime room from the famous K-ON anime.
Toyosato Elementary School is a beautiful school. From it`s remarkable long wooden hallways to it`s church like auditorium, the school is both Japanese and Western in style.
During the tour I came to learn that the reason for this is because the school was designed by the American born designer, William Vories. I liked how Mr. Furukawa, the man who donated the buildings, incorporated a lesson of perseverance a teacher of his once taught him through the story of the turtle and the hare. On the staircase handrails you can see small cute sculptures of both a turtle and a hair depicting their race going all the way up to the top floor. My favorite room in the school was the science room. They had many preserved scientific instruments. From an early ultraviolet light generator and a massive electrometer to a wide variety of taxidermy, I could get a feeling that the students had wonderful science classes. The school is also famous for being the setting for the anime, K-On. I did not know much about this anime, but was able to appreciate it due to all the fans that were visiting while we were there. Lastly, the volunteer guides were extremely friendly and talkative and made us feel very welcome.
Visit to the science room.
Seeing the old classrooms.
Really interesting to see a unique school within Japan and to get a look at how classes were arranged.