Enjoy Maid Cafes in Nagoya: A Guide to Choosing the Right Cafe and Enjoying the Experience

Enjoy Maid Cafes in Nagoya: A Guide to Choosing the Right Cafe and Enjoying the Experience

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Head Editor : MIDDLE TORO Co., Ltd.

If you’re planning to visit Nagoya, you might be interested in experiencing a maid cafe. However, as maid cafes have their own unique culture and rules, they might seem intimidating at first. Don’t worry! By reading this article, you’ll understand the rules to follow, how to choose the right cafe, and how to enjoy your visit. We will introduce you to the area in Nagoya where maid cafes are concentrated and recommend one for you. Use this guide to enjoy the maid cafe experience in Nagoya.

Table of Contents

Let’s visit Osu Shopping District – the area in Nagoya with the most maid cafes

If you want to visit a maid cafe in Nagoya, head to Osu Shopping District. Located about 10-15 minutes from JR Nagoya Station by train and on foot, Osu Shopping District is the largest shopping district in Nagoya. The street is lined with a variety of shops, allowing you to enjoy both food and shopping.
Osu Shopping District is also renowned as a hub for Nagoya’s otaku culture. There is an area within the district where you can find shops dedicated to Japanese subculture. This includes stores with a wide selection of electronic parts and anime shops, making it a paradise for fans of Japanese subculture. This area boasts many maid cafes, with the highest concentration not only in Nagoya but in the entire Aichi Prefecture.
If you’re looking to visit a maid cafe in Nagoya, Osu Shopping District is the place to go. If you’re visiting Nagoya in August, be sure to check out the World Cosplay Summit held at Osu Shopping District. The World Cosplay Summit is an event where cosplayers from all over the world gather and parade through the shopping district.

Osu Shopping District is home to many maid cafes.
Osu Shopping District is home to many maid cafes.

Learn these basic Japanese words to enjoy a maid cafe

If you’re planning to visit a maid cafe, we encourage you to learn the Japanese phrases we’re about to introduce here. Knowing these phrases will enhance your experience. Maid cafes use unique expressions, one of the most common being “moe moe kyun.” “Moe” refers to the feeling of finding someone or something, like a maid or her actions, adorable or endearing. While there’s no strict definition, you can think of it as a term expressing affectionate feelings, similar to “cute.”
“Kyun” is a term used to describe the feeling when your heart skips a beat. For example, when you find a maid’s appearance or actions adorable and your heart flutters, you can express that sensation with the word “kyun.” The phrase “moe moe kyun” is often used by maids as a kind of magic spell when serving food or drinks, so you might want to remember it. If you’d like to learn more Japanese phrases commonly used in maid cafes, check out the article linked below.

Did the phrase “Welcome home, mister” originate in Nagoya?

A maid cafe is a cafe where customers are treated as heads or owners of their houses and called “misters” and “misses,” and maids provide services such as serving food or drinks. When entering, customers are greeted not with “irasshaimase (welcome to our place)” but with “okaerinasaimase, goshujin-sama (welcome home, mister)” to create the atmosphere of coming back to a mansion. Although this greeting is now used in maid cafes nationwide, it is said to have originated from maid cafes in Nagoya.

Four styles of maid cafe you should know to choose the right one in Nagoya

Once you’ve learned the necessary Japanese to enjoy a maid cafe, the next step is to know how to choose one. Maid cafes can be categorized into four styles based on their service offerings and atmosphere. Even though they are all maid cafes, each style has its own charm and way of enjoyment. To ensure you don’t end up disappointed with your experience, familiarize yourself with the characteristics of these four styles.

1. The cafe (or coffee shop) style for first-time visitors seeking a casual experience

The cafe style is characterized by its retro cafe atmosphere, where maids in classical attire serve customers. Communication with the maids is minimal, and many establishments focus on the quality of food and beverages. There are no time restrictions or time charges, and costs typically range around 1,000 yen, allowing for an experience similar to a regular cafe or coffee shop. If you feel a bit intimidated by the styles of maid cafes yet to be introduced, consider visiting a cafe-style maid cafe.

A cafe-style features maids in classical attire serving customers.
A cafe-style features maids in classical attire serving customers.

2. The entertainment style to experience “moe”

A classic and well-known style is the entertainment style. When people think of maid cafes, they likely imagine the service and atmosphere of this style. In addition to experiencing the “moe moe kyun” charm, where maids cast spells to make the food and drinks delicious, you can also enjoy live performances where maids sing and dance, and take cheki (instant photos) with them.
Another characteristic of the entertainment style is maids drawing pictures or writing messages with ketchup. The pretty costumes worn by the maids are also a highlight. The typical cost range for the entertainment style is between 1,500 yen and 3,000 yen. If you want to fully enjoy the unique services of the entertainment style, it’s advisable to budget around 3,000 yen.

The entertainment style offers the quintessential maid cafe experience where you can enjoy classic services.
The entertainment style offers the quintessential maid cafe experience where you can enjoy classic services.

3. The bar style to enjoy communication with maids

The bar style allows for communication with maids across the counter while enjoying alcohol. Unlike the entertainment style, there are fewer instances of maids casting spells or singing and dancing, and fewer establishments refer to customers as “misters.” Since communication with the maids is the main focus, this style might be less enjoyable for those who don’t speak Japanese.
The menu tends to be only in Japanese, and many establishments may not be accustomed to serving foreign tourists. Depending on the amount of alcohol ordered and the length of stay, the typical cost range is around 3,000 yen.

The bar style offers the enjoyment of both alcohol and communication with maids.
The bar style offers the enjoyment of both alcohol and communication with maids.

4. Modern-style maid cafes offer the latest subculture content

Among the entertainment style maid cafes, there are modern-style maid cafes with well-established settings, including the external appearance, interior design, and pricing system, allowing customers to immerse themselves in that world. These cafes offer the classic services of maid cafes within their meticulously crafted world.

The settings of these establishments vary widely, including scenarios such as apprentice wizards working, dolls serving customers, and maids reincarnated from another world.

The typical cost ranges from 1,500 to 3,000 yen. Since you can enjoy both the latest subculture content and classic maid cafe services, if you’re undecided on which style of maid cafe to visit, consider heading to a modern-style maid cafe.

A modern-style maid cafe allows you to immerse yourself in a distinct world and enjoy classic maid cafe services.
A modern-style maid cafe allows you to immerse yourself in a distinct world and enjoy classic maid cafe services.

Try MAID√MADE Nagoya Osu Main Store if looking for a modern-style maid cafe in Nagoya

If you’re looking to visit a modern-style maid cafe in Nagoya, we recommend MAID√MADE Nagoya Osu Main Store located in Osu Shopping District. With the concept of “maid robots equipped with AI from the future,” you’ll be served by maids wearing cutting-edge uniforms.
The exterior and interior of the store are futuristic, allowing you to immerse yourself in its setting. Moreover, not only are the food and drinks photogenic, but they also receive high praise for their taste. Whether it’s the world setting, the quality of service, or the menu, you should be satisfied with every aspect.

How to enjoy MAID√MADE Nagoya Osu Main Store

At MAID√MADE, you can enjoy the essence of maid cafes, namely the sense of otherworldliness and “moe.” We encourage you to try out the ways of enjoyment we will introduce next and savor the essence of maid cafe culture.

Immerse yourself in their world and enjoy role-playing

The greatest feature of MAID√MADE lies in its meticulously crafted world. Under the premise of “maid robots equipped with AI from the future have come to the present to save humanity, which has lost its emotions,” the maids provide service. You can immerse yourself in this story through the futuristic exterior and interior of the store and the maids’ costumes. All of these elements were made by creators at the forefront of otaku culture. Dive into the story and setting, and enjoy some role-playing.
MAID√MADE not only offers menus in English for foreign tourists, but the maids also use translation apps to assist customers, allowing you to enjoy the experience even if you don’t know any Japanese. Since the maids are accustomed to interacting with foreign tourists, anyone, regardless of nationality, can immerse themselves in the world and engage in role-playing. Through role-playing, you can immerse yourself in the sense of otherworldliness and fully enjoy the experience of MAID√MADE.

The interior of MAID√MADE Nagoya Osu Main Store is filled with a futuristic atmosphere.
The interior of MAID√MADE Nagoya Osu Main Store is filled with a futuristic atmosphere.
The meticulously designed interior creates an atmosphere of otherworldliness.
The meticulously designed interior creates an atmosphere of otherworldliness.
Cutting-edge maid uniforms crafted with the collaboration of popular creators
Cutting-edge maid uniforms crafted with the collaboration of popular creators

Experience “moe” in the most standard service

At MAID√MADE, you can also enjoy the classic services typical of maid cafes. Maids will cast spells to make your food and drinks delicious, draw pictures on your rice omelet or drinks, and you can enjoy live performances by the maids from a close distance. You can request songs for the live performances, so if you have a favorite song, don’t hesitate to make a request.
There’s also a menu option for taking cheki (instant photos), and if you order it, you can take photos with the maid. While enjoying role-playing, why not experience the unique “moe” of otaku culture as well?

Depending on the menu, maids will draw pictures on your food or drinks for you.
Depending on the menu, maids will draw pictures on your food or drinks for you.
Enjoy the live performances by the maids up close.
Enjoy the live performances by the maids up close.

The pricing system and estimated budget at MAID√MADE Nagoya Osu Main Store

The pricing system at MAID√MADE follows the standard maid cafe model of a “time-based entry fee (time charge) + one drink order.” The minimum budget (entry fee + soft drink) is around 2,200 yen. If you plan to enjoy food and other services, budget around 3,000 to 4,000 yen. For more details on the menu and specific pricing, check the official website.

Savor both the visually appealing and delicious high-quality food and drinks.
Savor both the visually appealing and delicious high-quality food and drinks.

Follow these rules at MAID√MADE Nagoya Osu Main Store

If you want to have a fun time at MAID√MADE, please follow these rules:

  • Do not take photos of the maids without permission.
  • Do not touch the maids.
  • Do not enter the store if you are heavily drunk.
  • Do not ask the maids personal questions.
  • Do not give your contact information to the maids.
  • Do not wait outside for the maids.

As long as you stay within the bounds of common sense, you won’t break any rules. So, relax and enjoy your time.
The maids will explain the detailed rules when you enter, so listen carefully and enjoy yourself to the fullest.

There are no complicated rules, so just relax and enjoy the maid cafe experience.
There are no complicated rules, so just relax and enjoy the maid cafe experience.

Frequently asked questions about maid cafes in Nagoya


What are the characteristics of maid cafes in Nagoya?


Maid cafes in Nagoya often feature fewer bar-style cafes and more cafes with a coffee shop style or entertainment style.


Can women also enter maid cafes?


Yes, women can also enter maid cafes. When a woman enters, the maids will greet her with “Welcome home, miss.”


What are things you shouldn’t do in maid cafes?


You shouldn’t take photos of the maids without permission or ask personal questions. You will receive detailed explanations upon entry, so make sure to follow the rules and have fun.


If you’re looking to enjoy a maid cafe in Nagoya, why not head to Osu Shopping District, where many maid cafes are located? Try selecting a maid cafe, using the four styles introduced in this article as a reference. If you want to experience the charm of maid cafes and the atmosphere of the latest subculture, we recommend visiting MAID√MADE Nagoya Osu Main Store. For those who want to learn more about how to enjoy maid cafes in detail, we encourage you to check out the following article as well, which covers information that first-time visitors to maid cafes should know.