What is Made-in-Japan "Trick Art"? Watch this Video to Find Out How it's Made!!
*This is a republished article which was originally published on 30th November, 2017.
1. What is Trick Art?
"Trick Art" utilizes visual illusions to create unusual viewer experiences, such as 3-D paintings and works with differing impressions depending on the angle. For example, in the two versions of the picture below, the length of the woman's legs appear to change depending on the angle at which it's viewed.

In addition, unlike in normal paintings, viewers can become part of and photograph some Trick Art pieces. In the picture below, the two people posing in front of the painting resulted in a shot that almost looks like they're actually pounding mochi!

Along with the SD Corporation, artist Kazumune Kenju put his own spin on "trompe l'oeil" illusionism to create a unique form of entertainment in Japan: Trick Art!
When you visit Japan, be sure to stop by these places and experience it for yourself!
2. Three Hand-Picked Places to Experience Trick Art
【Tokyo Trick Art Museum】
The Tokyo Trick Art Museum features Japanese scenes from the Edo Period (1603-1868) as well as a variety of other Trick Art "masterpieces" to enjoy!
Basic Information about Tokyo Trick Art Museum
- Tel
- 03-3599-5191
- Address
- Decks Tokyo Beach Seaside mall 4F 1-6-1, Daiba, Minato-ku, Tokyo
- Business Hours
- 11:00 a.m. - 9:00 p.m. (The last admission 8:30 p.m. )
- Admission Fee
- Adult (ages 15 and older) ¥1,000, Child (4-14 years old) ¥600
- URL(Japanese & English)
- http://www.trickart.info/
【Nasu Trick Art Museum】
With 3 separate museums, this is Japan's largest Trick Art theme park. The Nasu Trick Art Museum also boasts the only workshop in Japan that is open to the public, where visitors can see how it's made!

Basic Information about Nasu Trick Art Museum
- Tel
- 0287-62-8388
- Address
- 5760, Takakuko, Nasumachi, Nasu-gun, Tochigi
- Business Hours
- 9:30 a.m. - 6:00 p.m. (Winter [Oct.-Mar.] 9:30 a.m. - 5:00 p.m. , Summer [Aug.] 9:00 a.m. - 6:00 p.m.)
- Admission Fees
Admission to 1 museum / Adult (ages 15 and older) ¥1,300, Child (4-14 years old) ¥800
Admission to 2 museums / Adult (ages 15 and older) ¥2,000, Child (4-14 years old) ¥1,300
Admission to 3 museums / Adult (ages 15 and older) ¥2,700, Child (4-14 years old) ¥1,800 - URL(Japanese)
- http://www.trick-art.jp/
【Yokohama Trick Art Cruise】
In the port town of Yokohama, you can find Yokohama Trick Art Cruise. Since this museum's theme is "Around the World with Trick Art", why not explore the wonders of the world on this cruise?

Basic Information about Yokohama Trick Art Cruise
- Tel
- 045-264-9240
- Address
- Yokohama Landmark Plaza 4F, 2-2-1 Minatomirai, Nishi-ku, Yokohama City, Kanagawa
- Business Hours
- 11:00 a.m. - 8:00 p.m. (Last admission 7:30 p.m. )
- Admission Fee
- Adult (ages 15 and older) 700 yen, Child (4-14 years old) 500 yen
- URL (Japanese)
- http://www.trickart.top/
3. How is Trick Art Made?
To tell you the truth, all Trick Art is hand-drawn!
As a special treat, SD Corporation, the creator of Trick Art, has a video showing just how these pieces are made, so be sure to check it out!
It's just like magic to see how the final product comes to be. You're sure to be impressed!
Special Video on Production Process 1: https://youtu.be/CzhGEqgk68w
Special Video on Production Process 2: https://youtu.be/ENJj5rycoHI
By the way, the Nasu Trick Art Museum mentioned above offers public viewing of the production process in their workshop.
Trick Art offers visitors a unique chance to create original pieces, making for great memories!
Go grab your camera and have a blast!